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Wander Out West

Arts organisation Curate (Curate Arts Incorporated) is thrilled to be presenting
the third annual Wander Out West Festival again in 2025!
Fondly known as the WOW Festival, join Curate for a carefully curated festival, featuring some truly great interactive experiences, community art workshops, interactive musical participation programs, including our own Eisteddfod for amateur and emerging artists of all ages to share their talents, professional performances and more!
With something for everyone, you'll find yourself Wandering Out West to discover new treasures, experiences, talents and creative delights featuring our own West Australian talent that you didn't even know was in your own backyard!
Be road wise
this wow festival!
Whether you arrive solo or you come with a mate, we’re teaming up this year with the Road Safety Commission (
to help make sure every WOW Festival wanderer gets there safely! 🚗
Here are some handy tips to help make your trip to and from the festival safer:
⚠️ Speeding is never safe.
Speed increases the risk of having a crash,
as well as the severity of the crash.
⚠️ The faster you go, the longer it takes to stop.
A typical stopping distance when travelling at 30km/h
on a reasonable road surface is 19 metres.
At 40km/h, the stopping distance increases to 27 metres.
⚠️ If a car hits a pedestrian at 50km/h,
the impact is twice as likely to cause death
than if the car had been travelling at 40km/h.

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